Using a speedball for the first time can sometimes be a difficult task to master but once accomplished it has already improved and taught you a variety of boxing skills such as Hand eye co-ordination and rhythm along with building up that upper arm shoulder strength and fitness for improved power and performance.
For a speedball to be effective it needs to be cylindrical and inflated to the correct pressure and will require regular on going inflation checks to maintain performance.
The Recoil RX 7 Series speedball is slightly smaller than your average speed ball and has been designed for the more experienced boxer that may already have a basic skill of using a larger speedball or speed bag as it is sometimes called.
Manufactured from genuine cow hide leather materials this ball measures 7” in length and will help to advance and sharpen your hand eye co-ordination speed and technique.
The internal rubber bladder is our Supa safe model which has been designed to significantly reduce air loss.
The hanging loop is also an important feature as this needs to be durable but not so thick and wide that it causes unnecessary friction that will wear the loop and slow down the pace of the ball in motion.